Saturday, September 17, 2011

With You Always

(Lent Devotion, 2009)

On the last day that I spent with my dad before the day of his passing, the last thing that I did before leaving him was to wash his feet. I did this at the Spirit’s urging, and with a very humbling sense that this was the most Christ-like way that I could minister to him at this point. I’ll forever cherish this last bit of time I had together with my dad and my Father here on earth.

But I’ve had many struggles since then. The ebbs and flows, the regular distractions of life, have left me often feeling under the bell jar. I can’t always hear, or see, or sense God as clearly as I long to and sometimes I think that my light has burned out. It has been a very personal prison.

And then a very dear friend, not completely knowing the way that God was using her, brought me a very sweet note (and pedicure gift card) and, in it, explained that God cares for me and wants me to have my feet washed. Regardless of what I think I know or sense about my life, God never leaves me. And He has the most loving and creative ways of conveying that message!

If you are struggling, remember this, “For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5

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